Easy, try this trick...

With your non writing hand open, touch the web between your thumb and forefinger...that's "Rare".

With your non writing hand, lightly close that hand, and touch the web between your thumb and forefinger, that's "Medium".

With your hand closed, fingers curled in, touch the web between your thumb and forefinger, that's "Well".

When camping cook all (Mods..sorry but this is the technical term here) "molested" meat well and all the way through, no exceptions.

**Molested meat being a ground meat, sliced/scored, or poked/injected to prevent salmonela/etc.

**For fish and chicken, well, in reality this thread should have been completely useless/redundant for most as you really outta invest in a meat thermometer and learn/know how to properly use one.

..and no, I'm not Alton Brown, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn once.