After some careful thought on how to proceed with the Featured Member Slots, gonna go with a trial run of every other month. So our first month will be March, we will gather submissions through the first couple of weeks of February, vote at the end of the month, and the winner will stay up through March and April, and at the beginning of April we will begin gathering our submissions for the May FM Slot.

So UltimateYotians, I welcome you to the new featured member format.

Lets start it off right with some GREAT submissions for our first month. All Previous winners are eligible this time. It's like we are starting all over, so any and all can submit. (Just don't vote for Tony... he's been up there to long. --J/K Tony. You guys can still vote for him if you want)

Now for the "Official Stuff".

For the rules, read here (But Remember! For this one month only EVERYONE is eligible, regardless of timing of a previous FM slot.)

If you have an interest in being next month's feaured member, post up (1) pic of your truck and a brief blurb on your truck specs. This thread will be open for 2 weeks. After this thread is closed, there will be a poll started listing the members who have expressed interest in being the featured member. This will run for a little under the last two weeks of the month for our members to vote. The last couple days will consist of announcing the winner and gathering their info.

Post up - and good luck!!
