expedition portal has a great article on rattle snake bites.

since most of us live and play in snake country, this advise is important.

What does one do if you are bit be a rattlesnake?

• Keep the bitten area still, don't flail the injured area around.

• Stay calm, this may sound difficult to do, but remember that if you stay calm and get to treatment as quickly as possible, the injury will be much easier to treat.

• Remove any constricting jewelry or constricting clothing as swelling will occur and you do not want jewelry constricting blood flow to extremities.

• Keep the area of the snake bite lower than the heart.

• Wash the bite area, which is considered a wound, to help reduce the chance of infection.

• An elastic bandage can be applied to slow the spread of venom through the lymphatic system. When wrapping a bandage for this purpose always begin the wrap at the distal end (point furthest away from the heart) and wrap towards the heart. Do not wrap too tight or in too small of sections, make them long wraps. Always check the extremities for feeling, warmth and color and continue to do so until the patient or you have arrived at the hospital.

• Get to a hospital as quickly as possible. Call 9-1-1 and or the Poison Control Center 1.800.122.1222.

• If you can snap a picture of the snake on your cell phone - without occurring any further harm! do so as this can help EMS to identify which species the snake may be.

• Try and obtain a brief history of the patient if you are a responder. Have they had exposure to antivenin before? Are they allergic to any medications? Do they have a history of heart or kidney malfunction?

• Monitor the airway and vital signs.

• Treat for shock. Don’t try to diagnose shock in the case of a rattlesnake bite, just treat for it in any case. It can’t hurt. Here’s how. Lay the victim down, raise his or her feet (but not the limb that was bitten) and cover him or her with something warm like a sleeping bag or jacket.

some other important tips: check under vehicle if it has been sitting around while you were exploring. carrying a stick or walking staff is useful to check behind tires, or just kick the tires. rattle snakes should rattle, but dont always!

do you have any other tips? post them up here!