In that case maybe I'll bring my .45 next time I come down there.

I live about a mile from the river where there are a ton of snakes. I see a lot when mountain biking and when I'm in the field at work. I also run over 3 or 4 a year on the river trail on my bike commute home. I'm not all that scared of them but they do sneak up on you if you're on foot. I've killed one on the bike and one more when cutting wood at my in laws but all the others are usually just chilling so I let them be. When camping I make sure I check the sleeping bag before getting in as rattlers can be at higher elevations around here.

My wife is a wildlife biologist and she works in an office full of reptile lovers/breeders. Their side business' are gecko/turtle/etc sales. Her boss has an obsession with bringing in snakes from the field because all the guys like to look at them. If you see a pillow case on the floor behind the door DON"'T TOUCH IT.