I am now half-way through my 3 year lease on the LEAF and I still really like this car. I have just over 17,000 miles on the odometer and the car has burned 3,848.9 kilowatts of electricity worth $434.92 (11.3 cents per kilowatt at my house). The 4Runner would go less than 2,300 miles on that same money. It's still hard for me to believe it's that cheap to drive, and quite frankly I have most certainly spent less than $50 total on electricity since I mostly charge at work.

The Chevy Volt, while not fully electric, is turning out to be a really well engineered car too. There are a few out there that now have 250,000 miles on the odometer and the batteries and engine are still working like new. Because most Volts spend more than 65% of their life running solely on electricity, the wear and tear on the gas motor is a fraction of what it would be on a regular gas car, plus the high torque requirement of getting the car rolling is always put on the electric motor and keeps the gas generator from having to see those loads.

I am happy to see more EVs and extended range EVs (like the Volt) coming to market next year.